Sunday, January 27, 2013


I have to brag about you for a moment.  For the past two days you have been exceptionally good and I want to tell you about it. 

On Friday, you and I had a long day of appointments to go to together.  We were in and out of taxi cabs all day.  There were waiting rooms and paperwork to fill out and long boring conversations to have.  There were screaming, cranky children and even a trip to your pediatrician for vaccinations.  You were calm and Zen-like through it all.  You never complained.  You quietly watched and observed.  You played with your toys.  You looked politely interested whenever adults or other children came over to talk to you.  You napped in my arms.  There were some brief tears when you got your shots, but soon you were smiling for your doctor and examining yourself in the mirror.

 Waiting on our taxi

 At the doctor's office

I was so proud of you.

Yesterday, Saturday, me and you and your daddy had a lovely day together.  We had gotten some good news and were feeling some relief and happiness after all the stress.  We all snuggled in bed together, and he and I took turns tickling you and tugging on your feet and blowing raspberries on your belly.  You LOVE when we are both lavishing attention on you at once, and you were joyful and feisty.  After we finished the laundry we all took a walk to have dinner at a local Afghan restaurant we've been dying to try.  We haven't eaten at a restaurant in months and months and it was such a treat!  You sat like a big girl in one of their clunky wooden high-chairs and examined your surroundings.  You happily ate grilled lamb and chicken; flatbread stuffed with leeks, potatoes, and herbs; fresh spinach leaves and tomato; cucumber & yogurt sauce; warm pitas; and basmati rice.  On the walk home you napped in your stroller, and then we spent the evening together.

 Waiting for our food

 After dinner nap

I assume there are tantrums and loud exclamations of "NO!" on the horizon.  I assume there will be whining because it's taking too long and you're bored or you didn't get something you wanted.  I am trying to enjoy these moments as they come.

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