Thursday, March 21, 2013

You turned one.

Dear Sophia,

Somehow in my exhausted daze of new parenthood, a year has passed .  Every once in awhile it still hits me out of the blue:  "Oh, shit!  I'm a mom!"  But at other times it's the most natural thing in the world.  I remember in the early days when you first came home from the hospital.  I was so freaked out to put you to bed at night and know that this LIVING BREATHING PERSON NEEDED ME TO LIVE and it was impossible to believe that I was up to the task and that you would, you know, even continue breathing through the night let alone things like walking, talking, going to school.

You have really filled out a bit in the last couple months of your first year.    You have already had your sturdy little legs, arms, and hands, and these days you have acquired a little belly that pokes out.  You are wearing many shirts that are sized for 18 months because they cover that belly.  I love to blow raspberries on that belly.

Your hair is getting thicker and longer.  It is still fine and thin like mine, though, and is in a constant state of disarray on the back of your head.  (Oh, you are a mini Amie!)  When I get you out of the bath with wet hair and your grind your head into the towel, your hair fluffs up like a dandelion.

You are turning into little independent person with very definite ideas about what she does and does not want (and, unfortunately, it rarely involves my affection).  I have to steal most of my cuddles first thing in the morning or after you've already fallen asleep.  Otherwise, you push and squirm away.  Sometimes I plead with you, "Sophie, let mama hug you!" You pretend to walk toward me and, when I begin to reach for you, dart just out of my grasp, giggling.

You love books.  I keep a stash of books for you hidden near the couch at all times.  I was sad when I had to start hiding them, but you would intently try to consume them from beginning to end once you got teeth and could take chunks out of them.  But at least once a day--generally in the evenings after our dinner and bath--I sit down on the couch and say, "Sophie, do you want to read books with mama?" as I pull some of them out.  You make this joyful, fluttery noise with your tongue and come running, clambering for me to lift you onto the couch with me.  Your favorite is a large picture book with colorful animal pictures.  I point to them and tell you their names and then I imitate the sounds they make.  There are many to learn and the pictures we read vary every day, but I always make sure that we identify cats, dogs, cows, and ducks.  We practice moos and quacks every single day, and when I am mooing you are enthusiastically saying, "Mmmmmm!"

You love music and dancing.  Most of your dance moves thus far involve squatting and then standing straight up, but you look so adorable doing it.  Occasionally that diapered butt of yours sways from side to side, and it's all I can do to keep from bursting with love for you.  This evening when you were interested in my laptop, I played two of our favorite music videos from "Yo Gabba Gabba!" and we danced, not touching, but side by side, and it was a really wonderful moment.

You go to bed between 8 and 9 pm every night.  When I tuck you in, I cover you with your blanket and then hand you your little musical stuffed bee that mamaw got you for Christmas.  He has a night-time setting, and he plays lullabyes and bathes your little face in a soft golden light.  When he gets to the end of his songs, he cries, "Bye bye!" and shuts off.  You push his button over and over until you fall asleep, and for the first time the other night I heard you respond to him with, "Bye bye!"   And then you pushed his button again.  Sometimes when I check on you later, you have fallen asleep on top of your bee or even with him covering your face, still playing songs.

Today you learned to clap your hands.  I have been demonstrating it for you regularly for months.  After I would help you turn a back flip off my lap (yes.  what?) I would applaud enthusiastically and cry, "Yay Sophie!" You would beam with pride and jump up to do it again.  When we finish listening to a song that we particularly like, I often burst into applause and you grin and groove.  But today all of a sudden you decided to clap.  Once you started you didn't stop.  You clapped and clapped as if you'd been doing it forever.

Your birthday weekend was positively lovely.  Your first birthday fell on a Sunday.  Since your daddy had to work that day, we had a little family party for you the day before.  Your nana drove up from San Jose and spent the day here, playing with you, giving you EVERY TOY UNDER THE SUN, and making your porcupine birthday cake.

Oh, the porcupine birthday cake.  But that is another story for another day.

Your brother arrived with a birthday gift for you as well as a small flower pot that he'd decorated himself and in which he'd planted a flower.  ("I made one for me and one for Sophia," he informed me as he handed it over proudly.  And later that night when we went outside to water the flower along with the small pots of seeds I'd planted he asked, "Is it growing yet?")

We all had dinner together and sang to you (much to your bewilderment) and had cake and ice cream.  Darius spent the night, and for the rest of the evening the two of you happily played with your new toys, chased the party balloons, and watched cartoons together.

The next morning the two of you had breakfast in bed together.

I packed us a little picnic, and in the afternoon my friend Charra and her girlfriend Summer picked us up and we went to the park.  You loved eating cheese and crackers because you could eat them on the move.  And you never stopped moving!  The three adults of the party took turns on baby following/patrol duty.  At one point I cleaned off your face with a pack of travel wipes.  You have a particular fondness for carrying around packs of wipes, and you grabbed in and returned to roaming.  We met a 14 month old little girl who was thrilled when you walked right up to her and examined her.  She wanted to make friends.  You were content to thoughtfully nibble on the edge of the wipes packet and then move on.

In the days since your birthday you have been exploring your new toys.  Daddy and I got you a rocking horse that I couldn't resist giving you when it arrived a week early.

You love the horsey, but you have very little interest in actually sitting on him (full disclosure:  I put you on the horse in the above picture and afterward you immediately wanted down).  What you really like to do is grab onto one of his plastic bars across the front or the back and drag him behind you, grunting the whole time, like some sort of logger.

Nana got you this noisy little pink car.  It has many buttons and levers and horns and switches and one of them makes it demand to know if we are ready for a pink, pink, PINK ADVENTURE.

You love the car.  But you don't want to ride or sit on it (same full disclosure applies to this picture, too.  sigh).  Instead, you seem to prefer it for it's storage capacity (the seat lifts up and reveals a little cubby) as well as your ability to grab it by the back handle and ram it repeatedly into Freddy's dome-shaped litter box.

You are learning how to be naughty.  You have the entire living room and dining room to roam, but the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom and barricaded off in various ways unless you are accompanied.  When you think I'm not paying attention, you slip over to the playpen blocking the hallway that leads to the kitchen and start slowly sliding it across the tile floor.  When I give a warning, "Sophie...." you stop and giggle and run away.  Then you go back to waving your butterfly push-toy on a stick like a small, avenging angel and trotting around.

It's been quite a first year, my girl.  I couldn't love you any more than I do.



Thursday, January 31, 2013

The hard days


Some days are incredibly hard.

From what I can tell, you have at least two teeth coming in simultaneously and, as a result, you have periods of extreme grumpiness.  Sometimes when you are teething you start crying before you've even opened your eyes upon waking up.

I know the feeling.

Recently we changed the cat's food, and he has been reliably barfing every single day.  Usually he leaves multiple piles for me to clean up first thing in the morning.  I thought I got them all at 6:15am today, but when you got up you found one that I had missed and crawled right through it.

While I was trying to put my right shoe on to take us for a walk, I pulled your arm out of the toilet; stopped you in the middle of gleefully carrying off the toilet paper through the house while it was still on the roll in the bathroom; and pulled a shard of broken plate from your hand that you had pulled out of the trash and were bringing toward your mouth. 

When I turned on the vacuum in the living room while you played with your toys in the dining room, you were so startled that you screamed and came running to me, simultaneously vomiting and pooping along the way.

While I was sorting the laundry, you decided that the crotch of your father's boxer shorts looked delicious and inviting and shoved them in your mouth.

Today you ran your tongue along nearly every available surface, including the television, the sliding glass door, and the screen door.  This seemed so minor compared to everything else that, honestly, I just watched to make sure you didn't ingest poison.

We had a couple of good moments, though, and one of them was your grin of triumph after learning how to retrieve crackers from your nifty new snack cup:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Puji girl

You and your dad are developing your own unique relationship with different patterns of interaction than you and I have.  It's really interesting to watch. 

He normally sleeps in later than you and I do since he gets home from work late, and as soon as you hear him get up you are eagerly waiting for his attention.  This morning when you heard the bedroom door open, you squealed and began to cry, "Da da da da da da!"  And let me tell you, you made his morning.  He called you "puji girl" and he gathered you in his arms and kissed you.

After he does he morning business and pours a cup of coffee, he sits down at the computer.  Within moments you are tugging on his pants and patting his leg, and when he reaches down to pick you up you grin happily.  He sips his coffee and visits his websites, and you sit quietly and contentedly on his lap.  I generally use this time to shower or nap or clean or apply for jobs or SOMETHING that I need to do that is challenging to do when you and I are alone.

Yesterday morning when I came back into the room, you were still in your daddy's lap.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I have to brag about you for a moment.  For the past two days you have been exceptionally good and I want to tell you about it. 

On Friday, you and I had a long day of appointments to go to together.  We were in and out of taxi cabs all day.  There were waiting rooms and paperwork to fill out and long boring conversations to have.  There were screaming, cranky children and even a trip to your pediatrician for vaccinations.  You were calm and Zen-like through it all.  You never complained.  You quietly watched and observed.  You played with your toys.  You looked politely interested whenever adults or other children came over to talk to you.  You napped in my arms.  There were some brief tears when you got your shots, but soon you were smiling for your doctor and examining yourself in the mirror.

 Waiting on our taxi

 At the doctor's office

I was so proud of you.

Yesterday, Saturday, me and you and your daddy had a lovely day together.  We had gotten some good news and were feeling some relief and happiness after all the stress.  We all snuggled in bed together, and he and I took turns tickling you and tugging on your feet and blowing raspberries on your belly.  You LOVE when we are both lavishing attention on you at once, and you were joyful and feisty.  After we finished the laundry we all took a walk to have dinner at a local Afghan restaurant we've been dying to try.  We haven't eaten at a restaurant in months and months and it was such a treat!  You sat like a big girl in one of their clunky wooden high-chairs and examined your surroundings.  You happily ate grilled lamb and chicken; flatbread stuffed with leeks, potatoes, and herbs; fresh spinach leaves and tomato; cucumber & yogurt sauce; warm pitas; and basmati rice.  On the walk home you napped in your stroller, and then we spent the evening together.

 Waiting for our food

 After dinner nap

I assume there are tantrums and loud exclamations of "NO!" on the horizon.  I assume there will be whining because it's taking too long and you're bored or you didn't get something you wanted.  I am trying to enjoy these moments as they come.

Friday, January 25, 2013

You have my eyes

You have my eyes. You have my eyes!

You've always had eyes shaped like mine, but in recent weeks it's become apparent you have the colors of them, too. The strange two-toned eyes that change with the light.

I always loved brown eyes and longed to have deep, dark ones. And I would have been happy for you to have inherited your daddy's eyes.

But you have mine. And it's something I still can't get over:  looking into my own eyes.

(Does that sound narcissistic? Do I even know how to spell that?)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today (1/16/13)

Today your daddy and I are under ridiculous amounts of financial stress and it's feeling incredibly difficult for me to stay calm.  I have endless phone calls to make as well as jobs to search and apply for, and I have to make a very concentrated effort to remain in the here and now with you as much as possible.

Your morning nap today was in my arms, against my chest.  It has been in the upper 20s and lower 30s here in Concord a lot lately, and it's been a long time since I've been this cold.  You were wearing thick, soft, fleecy, red, footed pajamas bought for you by your Nana.  They are 9 month size and won't fit you much longer.  You felt so warm and snuggly, and your silky hair still smelled like baby shampoo from last night's bath.  You only slept a half hour but I hugged you the entire time.  For that half hour, I felt a little less anxious and afraid.

Yams are one of your very favorite foots.  This morning before he got ready for work, your daddy rode his bike to the store to buy you yams, bananas, and avocados, and when he returned I baked a yam for your lunch.  In the last few days, you have learned how to imitate me saying, "Mmmmm!" and after every single bite you happily said, "Mmm!" and opened your little mouth for another bite.

My friend B. told me that she had given her first daughter a box of tissues to demolish for a first Christmas or birthday--I can't recall which.  This afternoon I gave you a small, page-a-day desktop calendar that I got for Christmas.  At one point I thought I might read some of the quotations on the pages, but instead I elected to allow you to demolish it.  I had hopes it might buy me 10 (how did I ever dare think 15?) minutes in which to eat something instead of the usual one bite of food I manage to get on occasion.  [On a positive note, I've lost 76 lbs in the last 10 months since your birth.]  You were thrilled to receive the calendar and it commanded your intention immediately.  You spent 2-3 minutes turning it over and examining it and testing it with your mouth.  Then you put it down, tore off the paper cover, and began eating it bite by bite while happily watching "Olive the Ostrich" on the Sprout Channel.  Thus, said desktop calendar gift was revoked.  You didn't even get past January 1.  Maybe I'll read a few of those quotes after all.

Later this afternoon we will take a walk on the paved trail next to our house.  You are normally peaceful and quiet while we take walks and I hope that you will be today.  Yesterday you kicked off your socks and blanket repeatedly and ripped off your hat only 1/4 of the way into our route.  You spent the entire time wiggling and fidgeting and twisting, but you didn't cry.

For dinner I will feed you vegetable soup that you love.  I have been making very small pots of soup regularly--full of beans and lentils and veggies--and you really devour it.  I put small pieces of broccoli, carrot, peas, beans, and sweet potatoes on the tray of your high chair for you to feed yourself, and then I feed you spoonfuls of broth, onions, and bits of garlic.  It is a pleasure to watch you dig in with gusto.

Today, "Yo Gabba Gabba," one of your very favorite shows that I have really come to appreciate, played my favorite music video:  "Lovely, Love My Family" by the Roots.  I stopped what I was doing to watch and listen, and immediately my eyes welled up as they every time it comes on.  I just can't believe there is such a sensitive and bittersweet song on a kids' show, and the second verse makes me long to curl up in my grandpa's arms in a way that is nearly unbearable.

All we need, all we need. All we need.
Spread the love around, yeah

Sometimes when I am sitting by myself
Those quiet moments when not with no one else
I’m mesmerized by all the many good things in my life
I think about the time when I was younger
And the older that I get the more that I feel wiser
With the love of friends and family
Get stronger and it carries me on through

So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family
So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family
So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family

Sometimes when I am waiting for the bus
The sun shines bright and I feel peace like nowhere else
I know I'm in good health and life keeps going, I keep moving, I’m alright
I go to school and educate my mind, and the way the world is spinning
makes me want to turn around and start all over, hit the reset and go back in time.

Oh baby love me
Oh spread the love around, yeah

So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family
So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family
So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today (1/9/13)

Today is one of your father's days off, and we all three spent the morning together in our pajamas eating leftover roast chicken and macaroni and cheese.

You have been really fighting your naps lately, so sometimes you don't fall asleep until you absolutely collapse.  Today you nodded off mid-bite of macaroni and cheese.

At one point today, when the parrots were squawking and the cat was meowing and you were chattering as you tottered after him, trying to bodyslam him, your dad looked at me and said, "Is something coming?  I feel like this is the beginning of an 80s catastrophe movie."

You've recovered from the worst of your cold, but you have a lingering stuffy nose.  Today when we aspirated your nose, your father held you in his arms and restrained your arms and cried, "She's on lock-down!  She's on lock-down!" while I moved in with the sucker thingy.  You screamed and screamed and screamed.  It's so hard to keep you still during those times that I am petrified you are going to jerk your head when I have that tube up your nose and that it will jam into your brain and I will have to feed you soft foods forever.

Today I am wearing fluorescent green Crocs around the house, and you love to try to chew on them.

Today I gave two big boxes of your six-month sized baby clothes to a young couple with a baby who responded to my ad on the Berkeley Parents' Network list-serve.  It's very emotional for me to give your clothes away.  I keep a few of my favorite things stashed away.

Just this morning I was invited to interview for a job here in Concord, and I'm really excited.  Now I'm working on getting some child-care established for you.  To begin with, we'll focus on just an occasional person whom I can rely on to come over during short-term things, such as this upcoming job interview.

Today one of your favorite "toys" is a tube of my body cream and you've been carrying it all around the house.

As of today, your walking has progressed quite a bit.  You don't get further than about a dozen steps at a time, but they are often extremely active steps with lots of standing, bending down to pick things up,  turning around, and carrying large stuffed animals involved.  You look so proud of yourself as you're cruising along, and you like to walk past the full-length mirrored closet doors in the hallway watching yourself walking and waveing your arms and toys up and down excitedly as you chatter and smile.

Today you started a game of peek-a-boo with me.  It's only the second time you've done that, although you've enjoyed watching me hiding and pursing out with dramatic squeals for quite some time now.  You had just finished drinking a bottle and were snuggled up with your lavender fuzzy blanket on the couch beside me.  I was talking to you and after you hid your face and then gently lowered the blanket and grinned at me, I cried, "Peek-a-boo!" in a high-pitched squeal and you loved it.  You are the sweetest peek-a-boo player maybe ever--you do it so shyly!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I get it.

For the past few days, you have had your first cold.  I blame your snot-nosed, booger-eating cousin, Lucas, from Christmas Day.  Anyway, it's no fun.  Especially using the sucker thing ("aspirator" sounds so stuffy) on your nose.  My god, you fight me as if your very life is on the line when I try to use that thing on you.  And you now eye me suspiciously whenever I try to get you to lean back.

In trying to take the best care of you I could possibly take, as soon as I noticed your stuffy nose I jumped into action.  I let you have a couple nibbles of grapefruit for vitamin C.  I made a small pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and added a little fresh lemon and ginger.  Now I think the citrus has given you a terrible diaper rash that we've been trying to clear up.


To make it up to you, I've been trying to amuse you as much as possible when you feel like playing.

(Cool Whip painting on New Year's Eve)

(Tearing up the extra Christmas bows on New Year's Day)

As part of our diaper rash treatment, I have been giving you some "non-dipey" time (part of this weird mommy language I have adopted) several times a day.  It's helped a lot, and we've only ended up with a couple of puddles when I didn't time it well.  On New Year's Eve I took off your diaper and you crawled away excitedly when you saw Dora the Explorer pop up on the television.  You stood up to watch her and immediately began to pee.  The unfamiliar noise of liquid dripping into a puddle at your feet caught your attention, and you leaned over to watch.  My heart swelled with love for you at that moment.

And now I get it.  I get why women want to have another child.  After enduring pregnancy and childbirth and the first four months of your life, I SWORE that I couldn't even fathom it.  And most of me still can't. Those are the parts of me with good sense. But there is a deep and primal yearning in me that has just begun to hit full force in the last couple of weeks...

I know!  I know!  You will not be having a brother or sister, believe me.

But on December 19 at 4:45 p.m., you took your first step.  You are now up to as many as 8-10 consecutive steps at a time.  I clap and cheer for you as you grin with pride, but deep inside something in me is screaming, Slow down! And as you are learning to walk I panic at the knowledge that I will never again have my tiny baby girl.  You are no longer an infant; you are a toddler.  While I have no choice but to go along, I am not ready.