Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Mother's Day

Dear Frijole,

Today is Mother's Day.  My first one as your mama.

The day started off like our other days.  When you woke up in your yellow and white striped jammies, I picked you up and kissed you as you blinked and nestled into me.  I fought your fiercely kicking little legs to wrestle your diaper on.  I snuggled you against me and gave you your bottle.  You ate and spit up on me.  I laughed and cleaned us both up and hugged you.

At this time last year I was so sad from losing your sister, and I didn't know if I ever would or could be where we are now.

Being your mama is hard, Sophie, but it's the best thing that ever happened to me.  Yes, I worry more than ever.  Yes, I am usually exhausted.  Yes, there always seem to be things that need done that I don't ever get to.  But my heart is open in ways it never has been.

I love you so much, my sweet, tiny baby girl.  I love watching your grow and change and become your own person more and more each day.  I can't wait to celebrate many more Mother's Days with you.


Your mama

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daddy's Diaper Philosophy

Dear Frijole,

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays your daddy is off from work.  I look forward to these days, in part, because he watches you while I do things like shower and take long naps.

When I woke up from my nap today, you were wearing different clothes because he said you had peed all over the other ones you were wearing.  When I asked how this had happened, he said it was because you were trying to poop.  Further pressing revealed that he was concerned the diaper was impeding the progress of your little poo as it came out, so he decided to "unstrap" your diaper and let you poop freely.  This is when you peed all over the place--while "unstrapped."

I thought this was hilarious and texted it to your grandma while I giggled.  "Why is this funny?" he asked.