Friday, September 30, 2011

In which I threaten to embarrass you completely (the first of many)

Dear Frijole,

I am now 10 weeks pregnant with you and apparently you are the size of a prune.   Your body size is supposed to nearly double in the next three weeks!  I read that you are getting hair and fingernails and beginning to swallow and kick.  I hope to feel your first flutters very soon.  I was lucky enough to feel your sister a couple of times, and now when I lie quietly I focus attention on my belly and on searching for your movement.

I am feeling strangely guilty.  To be honest, other than feeling tired it would be easy to forget that I am pregnant.  I've still not felt sick or nauseous a single time, my boobs don't hurt and aren't any bigger, my feet aren't swollen.  I don't feel nearly as weepy as I did last time.  My belly is beginning to firm up a bit which lets me know you are growing, and I feel occasional aches and pains in my belly and groin area which let me know my body is stretching and growing to make room for you.  Otherwise, that's about it.  I feel embarrassed to tell this to friends who are currently pregnant or have recently delivered who experienced much more discomfort.  It's like I haven't begun to pay my pregnancy dues yet. 

I certainly don't mean to complain.  And I hope you aren't planning on pulling any nasty tricks like giving me a really easy pregnancy and then being a screaming, collicky baby.  Mamas have really long memories, and to get my revenge I will take tons of embarrassing naked pictures of you in all sorts of ridiculous situations and show them to all your future dates.



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