Sunday, October 16, 2011

Your first pictures

Dear Frijole,

On Friday, I got to peek at you during an ultrasound.

I was so scared.  The last time I had an ultrasound, it was bad news.  Plus, I get worried sometimes that you aren't even in there--I can't tell!  I was afraid somebody was going to tell me you were gone.

You are the most amazing sight I have ever seen.

You were also very active!  You crossed your tiny little legs at the ankles and waved your hands in the air like you just didn't care.  You rolled over.  When the lady tried to coax you into the position she needed to take your measurements, you wanted no part of it.

You're like your mama already.

I cried happy tears as I watched you moving.  I got to see and hear your heart beating (151 bpm!), to see the umbilical cord that connects us.  I saw your brain and your little bones.  To be honest, Frijole, seeing your skeleton--and your skull in profile below--was a little freaky.

The lady told me you don't have all the fat yet that will make you cute--that doesn't come until the end.  Believe me, Frijole, you can have some of mine.

Even though things at home are not very happy right now, the knowledge that you are healthy and wiggling around in me makes me very, very happy.  And I am doing my best to arrange things so that you come into a happy home.  More on that soon.

