Thursday, January 19, 2012


Dear Frijole,

I got to peek at you one last time by ultrasound yesterday--the last time I'll see you before you enter the world.  You were a rowdy little thing in there; once again the technician had a hard time measuring you.  At the moment I am 27 weeks pregnant with you and you are head up.  This is no surprise to me because I feel both your feet kicking my bladder simultaneously nearly every day.  Supposedly we don't have to worry about your position until 35 weeks, but I go ahead and worry a little now just for good measure.

At the time of the ultrasound you were laying on your stomach with your little legs crossed.  Every time they would get a good view of all four chambers of your heart, you would seemingly purposefully push your arm at the camera to block the view.  I laughed, but I was the only one in the room amused as the ultrasound ended up taking an hour and a half as a result of your antics.

Guess what?  You are going to be one well-dressed girl.  My lovely friend Diana has given us a virtual boat-load of clothes for you ranging from newborn sizes all the way up to 3T (though I can barely fathom you will ever be that big).  You now officially own more shoes than I do.

A final piece of news:  after much angst, discussion, and attempted (and failed) negotiations with our landlord, your daddy and I will be moving to another apartment March 1.  I am anxious beyond belief about it all--especially the cost of the move--and terrified we won't be able to find a nice place in a decent neighborhood where you and I can take walks.  Your daddy can take one look at my face and know when I am worrying about the move and he spends a great deal of time reassuring me.  All I can do for now to ease my mind is to take care of the items I can control now, such as booking our movers.  On Feb. 1 I will hit the ground running on the apartment search.  It makes me tired just thinking about it.

Touching your soft pajamas and looking through your baby things makes me feel better.  I can't wait until we are all settled in a new place and just waiting for you to make your grand entrance.  I'm so excited to meet you.



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