Friday, December 2, 2011

"You are my face."

Dear Frijole,

Your daddy and I went to my ultrasound yesterday and were so excited to find out that YOU ARE A GIRL!  I cried happy tears on the table when they told me.  Your daddy is very happy, too, although he is already nervous for you to start dating.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to get good pictures of your face because of your position.  But just like last time, you kept crossing your legs and waving your arms around.  I suggested that maybe one day you'll be a conductor of some sort.  You are an active little thing in there.

We have decided that your name will be Sophia Ruth Pesic.  Ruth was one of my beloved grandmothers.  Juanita was the other, but sadly I feel like using her name and calling you Sophia Juanita makes you sound like a Latina porn star.

I chose the name Sophia for you in 2001.  I was sitting in a cafe in Hollywoood, CA when I declared it out loud and made it official.  When I met your daddy, he had already chosen this name for you, too, even before he met me.  So, even though the name has become very popular in the last couple of years, we felt there was only one thing we could call you.  But you'll always be my little Frijole.



1 comment:

  1. My husband and I had independently picked the same name for our little girl long before we had met too - it's a wonderful thing when the universe is listening. Congratulations, my friend - little girls are the best!
